Bethel Lutheran Church

One thing have I desired of the Lord... that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life...Psalm 27:4

Simply the Sermon for November 12, 2023: The Wise and the Foolish

In Matthew 25, Jesus talks to his disciples about what life will be like while he isn’t with them. His Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids is a lesson in preparing for a long wait, and Intern Monica discusses how it is still a good reminder for us about why we do what we do, and how to make sure we’re able to keep going through the night. Today’s reading is Matthew 25:1-13.

Simply the Sermon for November 5, 2023: All Saints' Day

We don't normally think of ourselves as 'saints'.  We usually give that title to those people who performed unique and special ministry for the church long ago.  It is our baptism into Christ that indeed allows us to be called saints.  Pastor Russ shares stories of some unusual saints as well as insights into the Readings from Revelation 7 and I John 3 in his sermon:  "Who Is This Host?"  

Simply the Sermon for October 29, 2023: Reformation Sunday

For this Reformation season, Pastor Russ offers 6 vignettes on the life of Martin and Katie Luther.  Martin as Believer, Reformer, Musician, and Husband & Father; Katherine Von Bora as Wife & Mother, and Homemaker & Businesswoman.  Learning more about these two remarkable people helps us to appreciate the beginning of our Lutheran history and heritage.

Simply the Sermon for October 22, 2023: Let Them Have It

Whose side are you on? Sometimes it seems like we’re constantly having to declare what we are for and what we are against. Intern Monica reminds us that when others confront us with fear and division, it’s ok to just let them have it! Today’s readings are Isaiah 45:1-7 and Matthew 22:15-22.

Photo by Monica Holman

Simply the Sermon for October 15, 2023

You may want to relax with Psalm 23 or Philippians 4 rather than hear the violent and challenging images Jesus relays in the parable of the Marriage Feast that almost wasn't in Matthew 22:1-14.  What is the meaning of this rather strange story?  And what does it have to do with the issues of today?  Be brave and listen....

Simply the Sermon for October 8, 2023: He Has Made Me My Own

Many of us face discouraging moments in our life at some time.  St. Paul was in prison when he wrote his most personal letter to the church at Philippi.  Paul's faith in overcoming discouragement is found in chapter 3:4b-14 and can be a prescription when facing our own life's challenges. Today’s reading is Matthew 21:33-46.

Photo credit: Alex Molisk @ alexmoliski on

Simply the Sermon for October 1, 2023: Humility and Integrity

Two vital characteristics of those who follow Jesus are integrity and humility.  In the Matthew reading, Jesus' authority was challenged by the religious leaders.  Jesus teaches them a lesson in integrity.  St. Paul shares in the Philippians 2 reading that Jesus, by becoming one of us and one with us all the way to the cross, led the way of humility and love.  For those of us who have any authority at home or in the community, humility and integrity are vital. Today’s reading is Philippians 2:1-13 and Matthew 21:23-32.

Photo credit: Evgeni Tcherkasski @ evgenit on

Simply the Sermon for September 24, 2023: The Parable of the Laborers

The parable of the laborers in the vineyard has been described as a conflict between what is “fair” and what is “right.” But what do those two things mean in the kingdom of God? Intern Monica talks about how this might look to the workers hired early, to those hired later, and to the landowner in the parable. Today’s reading is Matthew 20:1-16.

Simply the Sermon for September 17, 2023: Stories of Forgiveness

A topic as important as forgiveness can be difficult to talk about and even harder to explain. Maybe that’s why Jesus told a parable when Peter asked him about it. But why such a harsh and confusing parable? Intern Monica decided that in response, she would tell a story of her own and talk about what forgiveness has looked like to her. Today’s reading is Matthew 18:21-35.

Photo credit: Dan Gold @danielcgold

Simply the Sermon for September 10, 2023: Those Who Gather In Jesus's Name

The passage we’re reading today from Matthew is commonly framed as a “model for church discipline.” But should it? And if so, what does that look like? Intern Monica talks about the danger of removing these verses from the rest of Jesus’s lessons to his disciples in Matthew 18. Today’s readings are Psalm 119:33-40, Romans 13:8-14, and Matthew 18:15-20.

Simply the Sermon for September 3, 2023: Moses and the Burning Bush

Every person is called by God for some reason, some purpose.  The great story of Moses and the Burning Bush demonstrates that we too can be apprehensive about what God is asking of us and have the same resistance as Moses.  Who is God calling you to talk to?  Or what cause is God calling you to?  The sub-title to Pastor Russ' message is: "When God Speaks, There Are No Excuses!" Today’s reading is Exodus 3-4.

Photo credit: Moses Vega @mosesvega

Simply the Sermon for August 27, 2023: Choose Your Heroes

What do you picture when you think of the people or “heroes” of the Bible? Intern Monica sums up her take on this summer’s sermon series with a look at some of the women mentioned by the Apostle Paul. Today’s readings are Acts 18:1-3, 24-28 and Romans 16:1-16.

Simply the Sermon for August 20, 2023: Susanna: A Courageous Woman of Faith Confronts Her Assaulters

Pastor Russ introduces us to "Susanna:  A Courageous Woman of Faith Confronts Her Assaulters" in this next of the special Summer Sermons Series "Heroes of The Bible."  In this Intertestamental Literature, Susanna bravely refuses to consent to the threats of two officials at the risk of her own life. 2200 years later, violence to women is still prevalent and the church is called to not be silent but to be a place of safety and voices of advocacy. Today’s reading is Susanna.

Simply the Sermon for August 13, 2023: 'Yes Lord, but...' The Canaanite Speaks Up

The Canaanite who Jesus encounters in today’s reading doesn’t seem like a likely choice as a “Hero of the Bible.” Yet as Intern Monica reminds us, this mother advocated for her daughter against perhaps the most daunting obstacle possible: Jesus himself. Today’s readings are Genesis 18:22-32 and Matthew 15:21-28.

Simply the Sermon for August 6, 2023: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Pastor Russ continues with the "Heroes of the Bible" summer Sermon Series and "Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego" from Daniel chapter 3.  These three faced a fiery furnace rather than compromise their beliefs.  What "furnaces" might we face in our life?  When we face challenging times, can we trust that we have a fourth person in our furnace. Today’s reading is Daniel 3:13-30.

Simply the Sermon for July 30, 2023: Deborah and Jael

Let’s take a journey today into one of the very oldest (and most memorable) passages in the Bible: the Song of Deborah with the story of Deborah and Jael to continue our “Heroes of the Bible” sermon series. What do we do with these seemingly weird and violent stories in the Old Testament? Intern Monica shows us that these ancient texts still tell us a lot about God and a little about ourselves, too. Today’s reading is Judges 4-5.

Simply the Sermon for July 23, 2023: Tale As Old As Time

Continuing with the “Heroes of the Bible” sermon series, Intern Monica takes us back to the beginning of Exodus. What started as a promising life in Egypt hasn’t turned out that way for the Israelites, and there doesn’t seem to be any help coming on the horizon. What are normal people supposed to do while they’re waiting for God to act? Let’s meet a few people who can give us some ideas. Today’s reading is Exodus 1:8-2:10.

Simply the Sermon for July 16, 2023: Who Is Your Jonathan?

Pastor Russ continues the Summer Sermon Series “Heroes of the Bible” with Jonathan, David’s good friend. Do you have a “Jonathan” in your life? Are you a Jonathan for someone else? Read I Samuel 18-20 and learn how Jonathan’s friendship was critical to our faith today. Today’s reading is 1 Samuel 18:1-4; 19:1-7; 20:12-42.

Photo credit: Roberto Nickson@rpnickson on

Simply the Sermon for July 9, 2023: Seeing Hagar

Sometimes when we’re focused on those who loom large, we don’t notice those standing in their shadow. Intern Monica Holman talks today about Hagar, who some see as a side note in the story of Abraham. Luckily for us, God doesn’t see her that way! Today’s reading is Genesis 16:1-15, 21:1-3, 8-21.

Photo credit: Lujia Zhang@speak_memory_ on

Simply the Sermon for July 2, 2023: Facing Off With a Giant

How do we face fearsome giants, you and I? Today Pastor Russ Gordon kicks off a summer series on the heroes of the Bible, beginning with a familiar story that you may have first heard in Sunday School. But make no mistake; there’s a message here for anyone who has ever been afraid. So get comfortable, open your Bible to 1 Samuel 17, and press Play…

Photo credit: Jonathan Kemper @jupp on