Bethel Lutheran Church

One thing have I desired of the Lord... that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life...Psalm 27:4

Filtering by Category: August 2023

Simply the Sermon for August 27, 2023: Choose Your Heroes

What do you picture when you think of the people or “heroes” of the Bible? Intern Monica sums up her take on this summer’s sermon series with a look at some of the women mentioned by the Apostle Paul. Today’s readings are Acts 18:1-3, 24-28 and Romans 16:1-16.

Simply the Sermon for August 20, 2023: Susanna: A Courageous Woman of Faith Confronts Her Assaulters

Pastor Russ introduces us to "Susanna:  A Courageous Woman of Faith Confronts Her Assaulters" in this next of the special Summer Sermons Series "Heroes of The Bible."  In this Intertestamental Literature, Susanna bravely refuses to consent to the threats of two officials at the risk of her own life. 2200 years later, violence to women is still prevalent and the church is called to not be silent but to be a place of safety and voices of advocacy. Today’s reading is Susanna.

Simply the Sermon for August 13, 2023: 'Yes Lord, but...' The Canaanite Speaks Up

The Canaanite who Jesus encounters in today’s reading doesn’t seem like a likely choice as a “Hero of the Bible.” Yet as Intern Monica reminds us, this mother advocated for her daughter against perhaps the most daunting obstacle possible: Jesus himself. Today’s readings are Genesis 18:22-32 and Matthew 15:21-28.

Simply the Sermon for August 6, 2023: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Pastor Russ continues with the "Heroes of the Bible" summer Sermon Series and "Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego" from Daniel chapter 3.  These three faced a fiery furnace rather than compromise their beliefs.  What "furnaces" might we face in our life?  When we face challenging times, can we trust that we have a fourth person in our furnace. Today’s reading is Daniel 3:13-30.