Bethel Lutheran Church

One thing have I desired of the Lord... that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life...Psalm 27:4

Filtering by Category: September 2023

Simply the Sermon for September 24, 2023: The Parable of the Laborers

The parable of the laborers in the vineyard has been described as a conflict between what is “fair” and what is “right.” But what do those two things mean in the kingdom of God? Intern Monica talks about how this might look to the workers hired early, to those hired later, and to the landowner in the parable. Today’s reading is Matthew 20:1-16.

Simply the Sermon for September 17, 2023: Stories of Forgiveness

A topic as important as forgiveness can be difficult to talk about and even harder to explain. Maybe that’s why Jesus told a parable when Peter asked him about it. But why such a harsh and confusing parable? Intern Monica decided that in response, she would tell a story of her own and talk about what forgiveness has looked like to her. Today’s reading is Matthew 18:21-35.

Photo credit: Dan Gold @danielcgold

Simply the Sermon for September 10, 2023: Those Who Gather In Jesus's Name

The passage we’re reading today from Matthew is commonly framed as a “model for church discipline.” But should it? And if so, what does that look like? Intern Monica talks about the danger of removing these verses from the rest of Jesus’s lessons to his disciples in Matthew 18. Today’s readings are Psalm 119:33-40, Romans 13:8-14, and Matthew 18:15-20.

Simply the Sermon for September 3, 2023: Moses and the Burning Bush

Every person is called by God for some reason, some purpose.  The great story of Moses and the Burning Bush demonstrates that we too can be apprehensive about what God is asking of us and have the same resistance as Moses.  Who is God calling you to talk to?  Or what cause is God calling you to?  The sub-title to Pastor Russ' message is: "When God Speaks, There Are No Excuses!" Today’s reading is Exodus 3-4.

Photo credit: Moses Vega @mosesvega