Adult Study
Bethel hosts several opportunities to dwell richly with the Word. CONTACT US here to ask about any of these opportunities.
Wednesday Study at 11am: A Bible study weaving together Scripture, some good God-talk, and reflection on day-to-day issues of faith. Newcomers always welcome.
SErvICE In The church
Bethel is a place where everyone does their part in the flow of worship and life together. No matter who you are, there is something for you. Talk to Pastor Diana to find your fit.
Volunteer to help with the Sunday morning service: usher, assist with communion, teach Sunday school, count the offering, host coffee hour, assist in the nursery. Something for everyone.
Volunteer on church ministry teams: Youth and Children, Property, Worship and Music. One time helpers as well as regular team members always welcome.
SErvice beyond church
This faith community is woven into the fabric of North County as our people work, volunteer, and serve beyond the doors of the church. We equip our people to engage in the hard work of giving time and energy to so many important causes in our neighborhoods. This happens in formal and informal ways, with church projects and individual initiative. To support this discipleship, we host:
Martha Circle: A monthly women's group for devotions, friendship, global service projects, speakers, and more. Meets on the Third Tuesday of the month at 12pm. Newcomers welcome.
King’s Men: A monthly men’s group for study, friendship, service within and beyond church. Great food every month. Meets on the 1st Tuesday at 6:00pm. Newcomers welcome.
Lutheran World Relief Quilters: Meets every Thursday at 1pm to sew quilts for shipping around the globe to disaster zones, refugee camps, and communities fighting poverty.