Worship for September 26, 2021: When We Let God Down
For everyone will be salted with fire —- Mark 9:49
Place Finders: Readings 15:26 Sermon 20:41 Prayers 37:31
Photo Credit: Merek Okon on Upsplash
One thing have I desired of the Lord... that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life...Psalm 27:4
For everyone will be salted with fire —- Mark 9:49
Place Finders: Readings 15:26 Sermon 20:41 Prayers 37:31
Photo Credit: Merek Okon on Upsplash
When we stray from God’s ways, God is always calling us back.
Place Finders: Readings 13:08 Sermon 18:20 Prayers 35:24
Photo Credit: Steven Lelham on Unsplash
Place Finders: Readings 13:38 Pastor Tribute/Sermon 19:38 Prayers 40:07
Photo Credit: Russ Wyllie
I wish that when it came to our stuck places, we could just say to ourselves: open up, rise, live. But it’s just not that easy. And God seems to know this. God seems to understand that very often it’s an outside force that pries us open to new life.
This week, there is no worship guide available. This feature will return next week.
Place Finders: Readings 10:04 Sermon 15:00 Prayers 30:02
Hymns: 4:02 Be Though My Vision 26:45 Open The Eyes Of My Heart 32:26 Jesus Is A Rock In A Weary Land 34:34 All Who Hunger Gather Gladly
Photo Credit: Chris Barbalis on Unsplash