Bethel Lutheran Church

One thing have I desired of the Lord... that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life...Psalm 27:4

Filtering by Category: November 2024

Simply the Sermon for November 24, 2024: "Do not worry. Easy or hard, Jesus?  A response to his command"

In this Sunday's Thanksgiving sermon, Pastor Amy offers an anecdote to anxiety.  With Jesus' disciples facing an unknown future, we address our own uncertainties as faithful followers. (We also take a journey to a surprising corner in north LA.) Hear lessons learned from her spiritual care practices on how to respond to chronic worry.  

Simply the Sermon for November 17, 2024: "A Little Goes A Long Way"

The Readings from I Kings 17 and Mark 12 each share a story about the faithfulness of a widow.  They each had very little to offer and yet, their faithfulness turned into a moving story that still teaches us much, even 2,000 years later!  Pastor Russ' sermon is "A Little Goes A Long Way."

Photo by Tony Eight Media on Unsplash

Simply the Sermon for November 10, 2024: "Soli Deo Gloria"

In the Gospel Reading from Mark 12:28-34, Jesus reminds us of the two greatest commandments:  Love for God and love for neighbor.  It is almost like they are woven together as one commandment, for Jesus elsewhere reminds us that you cannot do one without the other.  Pastor Russ' sermon is entitled "Soli Deo Gloria".

Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

Simply the Sermon for November 3, 2024: "Tears in Heaven"

Why tears?  The three Readings for this All Saints Sunday each mention tears...but tears that will be wiped away by God himself as we are invited to a great feast prepared by God.  Even Jesus shed tears as he stood before the grave of his friend Lazarus.  But God has the last word...and even death is defeated.  Pastor Russ' sermon:  "Tears in Heaven"

Photo by Sam Schooler on Unsplash