Dear Online Family: We are in a digital ministry transition. Thank you for your patience as we post Simply the Sermon during this time. We will keep you updated on upcoming developments. Thank you to all of you for gathering faithfully in this virtual space.
Advent is here! We begin the journey to Christmas with the theme “From Generation to Generation.” Hear Intern Monica Holman speak on origin stories, starting with the the genealogy of Jesus in the first chapter of Matthew. She invites us to look to where we came from to discover where we are going.
Photo credit: A childhood photo of Monica with her beloved great-aunt.
Dear Online Family: We are in a digital ministry transition. Thank you for your patience as we post Simply the Sermon during this time. We will keep you updated on upcoming developments. Thank you to all of you for gathering faithfully in this virtual space.
This week in observance of Christ the King Sunday, we did a special in-person service of singing and prayer that sadly, does not translate well to the online worship experience. In Pastor Amy’s closing weeks, we also had one last confirmation rite to celebrate. So today, instead of a sermon, we offer two brief statements of faith by the high school students we honor and support.
Dear Online Family: We are in a digital ministry transition. Thank you for your patience as we post Simply the Sermon during this time. We will keep you updated on upcoming developments. Thank you to all of you for gathering faithfully in this virtual space.
Join us this week for a classic meditation on the good life. What does that mean in the context of faithfulness? What are the alternatives we often choose instead? What is the work before us in light of all that is God? Warning: This sermon was delivered in the midst of children and babies. To our delight, their little feet and voices herald their presence in our midst.
Dear Online Family: We are in a digital ministry transition. Thank you for your patience as we post Simply the Sermon during this time. We will keep you updated on upcoming developments. Thank you to all of you for gathering faithfully in this virtual space.
This All Saints Day in our scriptures, Jesus takes on an absurd question about resurrection and heaven. His answer demands we contend with the God of the Living. Pastoral Intern, Monica Holman, delivers the message this week inviting us to see ourselves, even in our deaths, as part of God’s unfinished story.