"Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!" is the refrain on Easter Sunday and throughout the 7 week Easter Season. Pastor Russ' sermon is "God's Cosmic Joke" from John 20:1-18 reminding us that the raising of Jesus was the banishment of death. "Death has lost its sting" St. Paul tells us. When we peer into Jesus' tomb, we are looking into our own empty tomb.
There are two names for this impactful Sunday: Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday - when we recall the events of the last week of Jesus' life beginning with Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem when the crowds waved palm branches and shouted "Hosanna to the Son of David" (Read Mark 11:1-11). We then follow the events of the remainder of Holy Week with the reading of the Passion of Our Lord (Mark 14:1-15:47). Pastor Russ notes a theme running throughout the long readings..."God Uses Broken Things" to do God's amazing work of redemption.
What is God's will for my life? Especially when difficulties and challenges arise. How do we know what path to take? Pastor Russ explores three steps on our faith journey that help us to "Make God's Will Our Own." Based on John 12:20-33
In the Ephesians Reading for the 4th Sunday in Lent is the core and foundation of our Christian faith...that you and I are saved by Grace through Faith. Pastor Russ focuses on this incredible mercy of God and how it makes us to be like a cup overflowing with love into the lives of others with his sermon entitled, "Amazing Grace."
The story of Jesus clearing of the Temple in John 2:13-22 gives us a chance to talk about a topic not normally broached from the pulpit with Pastor Russ' message "Even Jesus Got Angry." Anger can be destructive or constructive. Anger can be a sign that something isn't right. Jesus' actions show that perhaps there is some house cleaning we need to do as well.