Luke is the only one of the 4 Gospels to include a story from Jesus' childhood. This insightful story from Luke 2:41-52 tells of the time when Mary and Joseph "lose" Jesus for a few days...but later find him in the temple in Jerusalem. What can we learn about the meaning and purpose of family from this story? Pastor Russ shares his thoughts in his sermon entitled: "It Takes a Family".
The familiar Christmas story evokes many wonderful memories for us as we gather with family and friends. This is the story that has changed the world and the lives of millions throughout the ages. And even though the birth of Jesus was over 2,000 years ago, we have to ask the question: had we been there...what would we have done? Pastor Russ shares his Christmas Eve homily entitled: "God's Gift Has Come".
After Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel and told she would be the mother to the Son of God, she traveled to Judea to visit with Elizabeth. At Elizabeth's greeting, Mary burst into song known as the Magnificat. God chooses the least likely to do great things. The proud and powerful should not rely on their pride and power, says the song. And we are invited to sing along with Mary.
At first, John the Baptist's cry for repentance makes one cringe. Is repentance all about making us feel bad about ourselves? And what does this have to do with Christmas anyway? Pastor Russ' message is based on Luke 3:7-18 and is titled: "Repentance is Good News!"
What does John the Baptist's message "Prepare the way" mean for us today? What did it mean back then, in Jesus' day? This season of Advent is a blessed time to get our homes ready for Christmas and our hearts as well. How can we be a gift to others and to our world as Christ is for us? Pastor Russ shares his thoughts in this sermon.
On the first Sunday of Advent, Guest Pastor Richard Rollefson reads from the Gospel Luke 21:25-36