Our guest pastor for today’s service is Wendell Brown, a friendly and frequent presence in the pews and the pulpit of Bethel Lutheran Church.
Place Finders: Readings 9:50 Sermon 15:41 Prayers 35:29
Photo Credit: Biegun Wschodni on Unsplash
Today our guest pastor is Rev Dr. Marjorie Funk-Pihl from the Southwest California Synod. She is the Assistant to the Bishop for Congregational Mission & Director of Evangelical Mission.
Place Finders: Readings 10:07 Sermon 17:07 Prayers 30:01
Photo Credit: Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash
Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with two online worship services: one led by our youth as well as a traditional service.
Place Finders: Readings 10:08 Sermon 15:01 Prayers 32:53
Photo Credit: Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Good Friday worship includes a dramatic reading from Matthew 26 and 27 recounting the arrest, crucifixion, and burial of Jesus.
Place Finders: Readings 7:31 Readers' Theatre 13:05 Prayers 37:28
Photo Credit: James W Brilmayer on Unsplash