Bethel Lutheran Church

One thing have I desired of the Lord... that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life...Psalm 27:4

Worship for August 16, 2020: Jesus, stop that woman from shouting!

Just as Isaiah spoke in his own time centuries before, the days of Canaanite genocide are over.  It’s time to be a house of prayer for all peoples.  And how do the disciples react? Tell her to go away, they say. 

Place Finders

Readings 12:12
Sermon 15:50
Prayers 33:26

Some helpful links to explore some of the social science studies and some of the historical context. In addition, everyone should know about he Doctrine of Discovery and how this Christian edict shaped global history.

  • For some Bible background on the Canaanite woman, check out this ARTICLE — it reminded me of Jesus’ blood line.

  • Bloomberg News Op-Ed on the orchestra integration history

  • For some modern applications of this Gospel story, check out an LA Times Op-Ed written by Hal Printup, father of one of our members about the Doctrine of Discovery and its shaping of our global history and where we begin redressing the wrongs done in its name against indigenous peoples

  • A testy explanation of a series of 500 year old papal bulls establishing the Doctrine of Discovery — the author is not religious (she lets you know it) but don’t let that detract from the history she lays out