Bethel Lutheran Church

One thing have I desired of the Lord... that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life...Psalm 27:4

Simply the Sermon for October 27, 2024: “Six Reflections on Martin and Katie Luther”

Knowing our Lutheran history and heritage is important as it reveals our beginnings as well as our current mission and ministry.  Pastor Russ shares 6 vignettes on the life of Martin Luther and Katherine Von Bora, central figures in the Reformation movement of the 1500's. 

Simply the Sermon for October 20, 2024: "What Would You Have Him Do For You?"

This seemingly simple healing story of a blind man contains several life lessons for help us with better insight when obstacles are in life's way, when we may not think too well of ourselves, and when our worries and stresses overwhelm us.  Pastor Russ' sermon from Mark 10:46-52 is entitled "What Would You Have Me Do For You?".

Photo by Nunzio Guerrera on Unsplash

Simply the Sermon for October 6, 2024: "What Jesus Says About Divorce"

As common as it is these days, divorce is still a very emotional and difficult reality for many people.  And what Jesus seems to say doesn't, at first, appear to make things any easier.  What does Jesus say about divorce?  And how are we, as a Christian community, to respond to those who are going through such painful times?  Pastor Russ discusses these questions in his message.

Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Simply the Sermon for September 29, 2024: "We Are Not Meant to Go It Alone"

All three scripture readings have a common theme which helps us to know what the people of God are called to do and to be.  Pastor Russ finds in these readings three qualities of Bethel Lutheran in his sermon entitled "We Are Not Meant to Go It Alone."

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Simply the Sermon for September 22, 2024: "Like a Little Child"

Sometimes, we might feel overwhelmed by all that is going on in our lives and/or in the world.  Oh, to be young and innocent once again.  Jesus reminded us to welcome the child when he took children into his arms to bless them.  We are called to have the faith of a child.

Simply the Sermon for September 15, 2024: "Ode to the Tongue"

"Ode to the Tongue" is the title of Pastor Russ' message as he explores James 3:1-12 which reminds us how our words can be like a devastating fire or can be used for good. How can we keep better control over what we say?  Listen and learn.   A helpful outline accompanies the sermon.  Contact the office if you would like one.

Simply the Sermon for September 8, 2024: "Faith Active in Love"

"Love your neighbor as yourself" is the golden rule, the Letter of James reminds us.  Some 'neighbors' are easier to love than others.  And yet, because God shows no partiality and loves everyone, no matter who they are, we are to do the same.  Jesus is the supreme example traveling all the way to Tyre to heal a Gentile woman's sick daughter, dispelling the prejudicial beliefs of his day.

Photo by Derick McKinney on Unsplash

Simply the Sermon for September 1, 2024: "Creeds or Deeds?"

At first, in the Gospel story from Mark 7, it appears Jesus is against washing hands before one eats.  Not so.  What Jesus was saying to the leaders of his day was sometimes we can place religious habits and rituals ahead of what is in a person's heart.

Is our life of faith only about trying to always do the right thing?  Or is it more than that?  Listen to Pastor Russ' sermon entitled "Creeds or Deeds?"

Simply the Sermon for August 25, 2024: "Be Strong in the Lord"

"Be Strong in the Lord" is the title of Pastor Russ' message, taken from the reading from Ephesians 6:10-20 where St. Paul compares the Christian stance to the uniform a typical Roman soldier would wear.  We do battle too, St. Paul reminds us, with powers and principalities, with evil and darkness.  And we combat these with respect, honor, kindness and love.

Simply the Sermon for July 21, 2024: "God Kneels at Our Needs”

Just like our very busy lives at times, the disciples were no doubt overwhelmed with the demands of the crowds who flocked to Jesus.  We can read into Jesus' invitation to the disciples to "get away", our need for rest as well.  But Jesus also didn't turn his back on the needs of the crowds.  Even though exhausted, Jesus continued to heal and teach.  And so, we too are called to focus on the needs of our neighbors.

Simply the Sermon for July 14, 2024: "If Truth Be Told..."

Are we willing to stand up for the truth and for what is right even if it comes at a cost?  Where do we find the courage to do so?  John the Baptist and many others throughout history have provided examples for us of being faithful in the face of injustice.  Pastor Russ' sermon is based on the rather gruesome story of John's beheading by King Herod in Mark 6:14-29 and is entitled "If Truth Be Told..."

Simply the Sermon for July 7, 2024: "Olympic Weakness; Sufficient Grace"

We may think of our weaknesses as just that...deficiencies, burdens, hinderances, embarrassments.  St. Paul certainly could have thought that with his "thorn in the flesh." But instead, he realized that God could, by God's grace, turn his weaknesses into strengths...for the sake of the Gospel.  Read II Corinthians 12:2-10 and then listen to Pastor Russ' sermon entitled, "Olympic Weakness; Sufficient Grace."  

Simply the Sermon for June 30, 2024: "The Healing Touch"

The Gospel Reading for June 30th (The 6th Sunday after Pentecost) from Mark 5:21-43 tells of two healing miracles in one story...healing of two people of vastly different social strata.  Jesus is displaying what a new caring community of faith is to look like by breaking societal prejudices and barriers.

Simply the Sermon for June 23, 2024: "Calm in the Storm"

From Mark 4:35-41, we read the familiar story of Jesus calming the storm.  Many "storms" can arise in our life...suddenly and some with great fury.  What does it mean to have Jesus in our boat?  Pastor Russ offers insights to this story that may help us in our life today.

Simply the Sermon for June 16, 2024: "We Walk By Faith"

Sometimes we may wonder "what good can I do?"  "I really don't have much influence".  Well, maybe many of us think that we are "small potatoes"...but even small acts of kindness and charity can make a huge difference in someone's life.  Pastor Russ reviews two parables where Jesus reminds us that with God's blessing, small things can have a large impact in his sermon "We Walk By Faith."

Photo by Ditto Bowo on Unsplash