The Bible has many words for love. Covenantal love. Family love. Friendship love. And today we talk romantic love…from the perspective of our teens. What does it take to make a marriage? What do we seek when we search for our life companion? Find out what the youth have to say.
Guest Pastor Mary Stein-Webber joins us today with a challenging teaching from Jesus, who says, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.” Is this crazy talk?
When Jesus shows up at the Sea of Galilee to collect for himself some disciples, he’s met with unique response. What does Simon Peter reveal about the good news? Listen to his special twist on being chosen for a new purpose in God.
In Jesus’ first public act of teaching in the Gospel of Luke, he finds himself swept up in controversy and nearly killed. Why did it come to that? What is our resistance to his message really about? What is HE really about? Explore the hometown revolt.
What on earth could cause such outrage and uprising in Nazareth? The Book of Isaiah. Really? Yes. Find out why a simple Bible reading turned so controversial, it nearly cost Jesus his life before he even got started.
Do you love weddings? Or do you do your best to avoid them? Explore the mysterious wedding at Cana and find out how church is and isn’t like the promise of marriage.
Guest Pastor Mary Stein-Webber leads us in this worship service. We commemorate the baptism of Jesus, remember our own baptisms, and reflect on how transforming baptism can be.
History tells us of many important journeys, like explorers discovering new lands, scientific breakthroughs, space flights to the moon and other planets, and social movements gradually affirming human rights and freedoms. In this Christmas season, we read Gospel passages recounting Mary and Joseph traveling from Nazareth to Bethlehem. But there is one journey that surpasses all others.
We welcome the voices of our young people reading beloved Bible passages with special music from our music team. Listen to a sermon dedicated to everyone who wears themselves out taking care of others. Sometimes we need to let Jesus be for us too.
Mary is more than a picture of devotion and obedience. She is also a preacher on fire with a message of love that will set the world aright. She spells trouble for anyone who remains content with the world as it is. But for those awaiting God’s justice, her news is nothing but good.
Joy is more than feeling good. It’s about living in the rightness of the moment with a sense that we belong to something/one bigger. And it’s available all around us and within us. But if we aren’t careful, we can easily crowd the joy out of our lives. Why do we do this? How do we do this? And why do we need joy now?
Sermon Notes from Pastor Amy — The Joy commentary comes from The Bible Project. Watch the film here and experience their fun graphics along with their wise interpretation. I also referenced an online article about these issues on Yes and Yes.
Place Finders: The Word 10:02 Sermon 21:23 Prayers 34:42
Today's worship service looks at an announcement by John the Baptist. "Prepare the way of the Lord," he says. As we anticipate the upcoming celebration of the birth of Jesus, how do we hear and make a place for John's message when the commercial aspects of Christmas compete so fervently for our attention?
• Place finders: Bible readings 6:52, Sermon 17:10, Prayers 32:20 • Click here to open the bulletin for this worship service (a PDF file containing words to the songs, the Bible readings, prayer requests, and announcements).
Sermon Notes from Pastor Amy — For more text study on the Luke passage, check out this article by Audrey West from Working Preacher where I took some of my meditations on the nature of time. And the Hope commentary comes from The Bible Project. Watch the film here and experience their fun graphics along with their wise interpretation.
Place Finders: Word 10:07 Sermon 20:42 Prayers 36:25
But God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ*—by grace you have been saved—
Sermon Notes: In the sermon, Pr. Amy referenced a mentor’s comments about leadership and change. To read Pr. Marj Funk-Phil’s full article, see her blog post: Turns out I only like ‘new’ things when they’re my idea. And thank you to Door of Hope in Portland, Oregon for general inspiration in the study of Ephesians.
But Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?” They replied, “We are able.” — Mark 10:38-39
As he was setting out on a journey, a man ran up and knelt before him, and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Mark 10:17